Oprava batérie NISSAN Leaf 2 40kw

Oprava baterie NISSAN Leaf 2 40kw degradácia batérie, znížený dojazd.

    • Oprava baterie NISSAN Leaf 2 40kw
    • 05. 09. 2024

Zákazník k nám prišiel s Nissanom Leaf 2 renerácie, ž epri poklese batérie pod cca 70% batéria sa začne extrémne vybíjať a zníži sa dojazd na 30km. Diagnostikou sme zistili, že batérie sú masívne degradované a po otvorení batérie sme videli poškodenie článkov, bohužiaľ v tomto prípade bola batéri už len na výmenu.

A customer came to us with a Nissan Leaf 2 regenerations, but when the battery drops below approx. 70%, the battery starts to discharge extremely and the range is reduced to 30 km. Through diagnostics, we discovered that the batteries are massively degraded and after opening the battery we saw damage to the cells, unfortunately in this case the batteries were only for replacement.